*Contact Factory for Wedge Wire Element Ordering Information
×Maximum working pressure: 8000 psi (551 bar)
Proof pressure: 9600 psi (661 bar)
Burst pressure: Consult factory
Temperature rating: -100°F (-73°C) to 500°F (260°C)
Materials of Construction:
Head and Body: 304 Stainless Steel standard (316, 17-4PH, Hastelloy® and others available)
Seal material: Fluorocarbon (Viton®) (Teflon® and Kalrez® and other compounds also available)
Filter element collapse pressure: 4500 psid (310 bard)
Element construction: SwiftFelt™ metal felt all 316 stainless steel (no resin binders) medium, 304 stainless steel end caps; or SwiftWedge™ wedge wire 304 stainless steel standard (316, 17-4PH, Hastelloy® and others available)
Housing pressure drop is directly proportional to specific gravity.
Correct for other fluids by multiplying new viscosity in cSt/5 (SUS/77.5) x S.G./0.8572
* Contact factory for wedge wire pressure and flow information