Maximum working pressure: 8000 psi (551 bar)
Proof pressure: 9600 psi (661 bar)
Burst pressure: Consult factory
Temperature rating: -100°F (-73°C) to 500°F (260°C)
Materials of Construction:
Head and Body: 304 Stainless Steel standard (316, 17-4PH, Hastelloy® and others available)
Seal material: Fluorocarbon (Viton®) (Teflon® and Kalrez® and other compounds also available)
Filter element collapse pressure: 4500 psid (310 bard)
Element construction: Swiftmesh™ all 316 stainless steel (no resin binders) medium, 304 stainless steel end caps
Housing pressure drop is directly proportional to specific gravity.
Correct for other fluids by multiplying new viscosity in cSt/5 (SUS/77.5) x S.G./0.8572